At 16 years old, varsity cheerleader Emma Benoit attempted to end her life. MY ASCENSION is the story of the day that changed Emma’s life, and everything that’s happened since.

For Years, Emma quietly struggled with anxiety and depression, too ashamed to share her pain with family or friends. Through navigating the many challenges of recovery, she discovers purpose and passion in helping struggling teens.

MY ASCENSION is an inspiring look at Emma’s story, and includes firsthand experiences of families, friends, school officials, and suicide prevention experts. The film does not shy away from the difficult realities of the ongoing youth suicide crisis, but shares valuable resources to help keep teens safe.


Stay connected

You can follow Emma on TikTok and Instagram for must have mental health tips and tricks, and don’t forget to join the MY ASCENSION Facebook community to keep the conversation going. Together, we can spread hope and fight suicide.


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